Get in touch

What I Offer

Embark on your healing journey with an ancient and natural forms of therapy to improve both your mental and physical health. I am happy to serve you as I work with my guides to lead you to your fullest potential.

All sessions are remote through Skype, Messenger or Microsoft Teams

Contact me on Facebook or Instagram to use Messenger after you've booked your appointment.


Are you feeling stuck or stagnant? You may have a blockage of energy flow in one or more of your chakras.

When thoughts and emotions become trapped in the subconscious, it will permanently disrupt ki. The physical body and organs store energy, so when there is a blockage it can prevent something else from functioning properly.

Energy flow throughout the body responds to thoughts and feelings, having more optimistic and positive thoughts increases ki flow to help you feel better.

Reiki will help open the energy centers so the energy in your body can move more freely and prevent the energy from being stored elsewhere, potentially turning into an illness or disease.

Reiki can help with common colds, and other limiting physical distractions or disabilities over time. Reiki is even being practiced in hospitals to promote better spirits and supplement treatment.

Integrated Energy Therapy

Integrated Energy Therapy helps to release the limiting energy patterns from your past to guide you back to your soul’s purpose and mission in this lifetime.

This therapy works similar to reiki except we are removing the stored energy in your body from the organs and areas that directly store the limiting energy, not the chakras.

Integrated Energy Therapy helps release guilt, distrust, shame, illusions of threats and fear, "shoulds" (should I have or have not done that), heartache/betrayal, resentment, anger, stress and the feeling of powerlessness. 

Intuitive Messages & Guidance

Receive insight and clarity on an aspect of yourself or situation in your life. 

Using oracle cards or pendulum, take a deeper look into what is happening around you that you may or may not be aware of.

Working with yours and my personal spirit guides, ask questions to gain insight on what is needed to align you to or back to your path of greater self-awareness and wholeness.

*These readings do not predict the future, it is to shed light on what is already occurring and to give a new perspective on how to approach the situation or improve yourself.


Results are based on receptiveness to healing, willingness to create new, positive experiences for themselves and their ability to see things and themselves in a new light. You will feel lighter, refreshed - maybe fatigued at first, but will be more aware and open to the world around you with an open heart space and directed to your soul's purpose.

This is not to replace any medical advice, recommendations or treatments. Please seek professional care if pre-existing conditions are prevalent. Severe symptoms may not be resolved in one session, multiple sessions may be needed to treat your discomfort.

After your session, be sure to stay well-hydrated and clear more "residue" with an epsom salt soak.

It is recommended to cleanse and clear your spaces before your session to encourage more positive results.

Please feel free to book a guidance session for further tips on how to encourage more progress or for further questions along your journey!

XX, Julia

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